Monday, November 10, 2008

Spoke too soon.

So fall is here for real. It gets dark at five, the temperature hangs in the sixties, and I'm no longer wearing shorts. While I'm delighted at the change and am loving the season, my body is again choosing to revolt and is slipping into it's usual mild fall depression. Yay solstice.

This is my first fall on meds. It's peculiar to feel my body behaving as if it's depressed, lethargic, prone to anxiety and panic, unwilling to sleep, while my mind stays relatively level. My chest will swell and ache as if I am about to cry, but I feel nothing.

Brain chemistry is a bitch.


Homer Hoodlums said...

Hey friend... Long time no talk, kind of. Were you okay yesterday? I'm always here for you. Sorry the fall "blues" are kicking in. It gets the best of us. Call anytime.

elbie said...

love that taylor curse. nice to see you on here!!