Sunday, July 19, 2009

Europe, 2009

Trevor and I spent the first two weeks of June running around Europe with my brothers.

Did Not Suck.


Cebere, a little southern French town. We were all recovering from serious jet lag and this was a perfect little relaxing stop.

Paris. Yeah, it really looks like that.

Bruges. We were delighted at how much Belgium surpassed our expectations.

Heidelberg. I WILL be going tack to Germany.

Bern. Clean, green, fantastic.

Rome was actually my least favorite stop. I took this picture the only time I was not completely surrounded by other tourists.

Florence. Not Suck.

Barcelona. I really wish we had more time here, it was BEAUTIFUL.


Kate and Wiley said...

Wow those are some beautiful pictures! This looks like such a neat trip!!

Nikki (and Crew!) said...

Mitch! A few things make me love your photos. I've seen most of the places in every picture, and wasn't it awesome? My fave-I had a train layover in Cerbere and it was one of my favorite little towns! (But no one's ever heard of it.) Di you see the "American" hamburger and fries they sell there?

BBB said...

I am SOOOOOOO jealous!!!

Eliza Returns said...

Great pictures!