Tuesday, July 28, 2009


This month marked the one year anniversary of our residence in the current apartment. To celebrate, T and I have officially begun the search for new apartments. This move will be my fifth in the last three and a half years (Trevor's fifth as well). We have a lot of perfectly valid reasons to leave our current place... but what is wrong with us?

Seriously... any ideas?


Ashley said...

I understand your desire to move around. It has been a long two years in our condo. I'm ready for a change!

I think I'm just used to moving and changing environments and friends from college and I guess I just haven't grown out of loving that lifestyle.

Good luck apartment hunting!

Andrea Mouritsen said...

I know the feeling. I really do.

I loved your Europe pictures. Pretty, pretty good. So listen...I'm going to Europe in a few weeks. Did you stumble on any awesome restaurants, hotels/hostels, stores, sites that I should know about? :)

Or maybe I will just take you with me.

emily brown photography said...

maybe it's psychological. Is there something you are trying to escape or change? Sometimes we have the need to start afresh and a new location will somehow be the miracle place that will make us happy.....

this is all just lol.