Sunday, August 10, 2008

Me Gutsta Cinema

I'm falling in heart with movies.

This weekend, T took me to see a screening of out takes from Charles Laughten's Night of the Hunter. I wouldn't have guessed that watching two and a half hours of clips would be so fascinating. Watching the actors interact with Laughten's direction was really interesting, and I was really able to appreciate the craft of bringing out subtlety in film performance.

Seeing old movies on the big screen is such a thrilling and transporting experience. I relate to them as they are on film, caught at their prime, mid to late twenties. I am aware that they are now in their eighties, or dead, and that they've experienced years between now and the moment that I'm observing on screen. Freaks me out man.

And below, a picture from the Shakespeare in the Park production of Twelfth night. Or it's alternate title; Newsies 2; the revenge.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Seriously, I don't think we can get any farther away from each other. You now live on the West Coast, and in four months I'll be living on the East Coast.

I hope they have outdoor cinema in Florida. Sweet.