Monday, August 4, 2008

Michelle Sells Her Soul to Television.

DISCLAIMER- I used the above title because it's too great NOT to use. I do not believe it to be true.

In fact, after a lot (a lot) of thinking, I've decided that right now, and possibly long term, social work doesn't excite me like it used to. The jobs I've found here are exciting in theory, but when I think of actually committing several years of my life to any of them, I feel preemptive burn out. I see inevitable frustration. I don't want to look back in five years, and realize I've been working with people not because I want to, but because it was the next most obvious thing for me to do.

I've been offered a permanent position at Extreme Makeover Home Addition, and I'm taking it. As of right now, my duties include preparing the post-production segment of the credits, scanning photos, handling stock footage requests and returns, delivering tapes to ABC, and organizing/stocking the ample pantry. I will get the chance to learn a lot from some pretty awesome people. Perks include, standard benefits, carpooling with my husband, and permission to keep my nose ring. Yay TV!

1 comment:

I'm A said...

Damn it Michelle. You win the cool prize. Funny where life takes us eh? Hooray for you!